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Tips on How to Write Memoir Essays

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Everyone has always had a story of his or her existence and the journey through it all. Often, most people think that certain things they go through that may make them less of a person is unique but the reality is that no matter the different journeys we all have some of the experiences in common. Writing a memoir essay is usually important as it gives other people a new perspective on life. It is an eye-opener for many as they get to know what exactly life entails. Writing a memoir essay often happens when one has come to a fresh understanding of your life, and you know yourself very well. Below is a guide on how to memoirs stories personal essays tales.

To start with, you need to be brutally honest. Your memoir entails simply sharing your experience in life. However, it is mostly hard, to tell the truth as you do not want to hurt people especially those in your circle, and have included in your book, but it is important, to be honest, to describe who exactly you are. This does not mean that your writing should try to show an act of revenge to people who did not do you good or rather writing it with bitter words but instead should be trying to find forgiveness by being genuine in your story. It should show a concept of honesty through your eyes.

Secondly, you need to diagram your life. Different people have different stories; some find it difficult to narrate their stories while others have stories that they want to tell if given a chance. In preparation, you should get in a backward-looking mood trying to point out the most outstanding moments in your life that stand out to be more meaningful. Getting help from your friends is also essential in order to find that one inspiring story that would want to be told. This should be done thoughtfully and honestly.

On the other hand, is to showcase your personal life story. This is explaining who exactly who you are, starting with your behavior and your character before, how you grew, and how you are now. The experience did not just change in a twinkle of an eye, but it might have taken weeks, months, or even years. This could probably change your approach to life, for example, not only thinking more of yourself but also thinking of others and more so positively. However, this can be tricky as it needs a lot of time of heart-searching on how exactly the experience has meant to you.

Furthermore, you need to put the readers on your shoes. The best way to do this is to narrate your story vividly using an understandable language that would help the reader to visualize each and every step. Your explanation should not come directly as judgmental, but you should rather put it in a way that the reader is able to be drawn into your perspective and be able to draw his or her own conclusions. Give above are elements of writing a memoir essay.